Anthony Moguel

How did you wake up this morning?  Did you wave your hands around to where coffee was instantly made, and you were instantly showered and dressed?  Did you hear of a cry for help from someone 10 miles away and fly to them at the speed of a rocket?

We imagine how amazing it could be with super powers.  I mean, a new director’s cut of Justice League recently premiered and people were willing to watch a 4 hour movie devoted to super heroes and their powers.

Supernatural Power
While there are fictional superpowers that we entertain ourselves with from time to time, there is a supernatural power reality that is offered to all who consecrate themselves to the Lord.  It is freely given when we dedicate ourselves to that which is of greatest importance, to set ourselves apart… declare ourselves sacred……offering ourselves as a living sacrifice to serving God.

This power gives us abilities we never imagined prior to a relationship with God where our hearts have changed.  Power can become visible through signs and wonders and we can get excited because it’s something that we can see and experience which can help reinforce our faith.

Think about what we read in scripture about the supernatural strength of Samson killing 1,000 enemy soldiers with a donkey’s jawbone in the effort of delivering Isreal from the oppressive Philistines (Judges 15:16).  Remember the faith of the people Joshua led to bring down the walls of Jericho in Joshua 6!

Gifts as Powers
I enjoy bearing witness to spiritual gifts like healing, interpretation of tongues, prophecy, and others like giving, service, wisdom, mercy, faith, discernment, etc. where I see God at work with his sons and daughters.  Here is one source of helpful explanation of all the gifts:  (This is not a promotion for the site, merely a reference.)

We can recount times where someone prophesied over us and it brought clarity of direction, or came to fruition.  We have seen, heard, or experienced healings from headaches to the blind seeing again.  We have either experienced or heard of funds needed coming from a consecrated giver at the perfect timing, God’s timing.  We have seen or heard of someone who devotes themselves to feeding the hungry out of love for God’s people.

But, these gifts, these supernatural powers, are not meant to be a road show of gratification or self exaltation.  We can’t totally rely on signs and wonders to build our faith, nor can we put ourselves on a pedestal for power that can only come from the Most High for His work, or we are doing ouselves a big disservice.

God is working in the silent times as much as He is in the showering display of miracles.  Also, our power is not a bragging right.  It is a tool to be used with humility, integrity, and faith because it comes from holyiness and not a attitude of performance  and notariety.  We don’t want to find ourselves getting impatient and let down when we feel there are lulls in signs and wonders or someone is not yet healed from all of our praying.  In my walk, time and time again, I have seen things happen in God’s perfect timing, whether within seconds or years later.

More Lord!
There are instances in the Bible of people offering sacrifices to become an extravagant worshipper and humbly crying out to the Lord for more power.  Reflect on the boldness of the woman that poured an alabaster jar of expensive perfume over Jesus’ head to annoint him for burial (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 7).  Think on the healing of the surrendering leper in Luke 5, and to go be a testimony to others.

Power Surge
I had a dream once where I sensed something very evil was happening.  I don’t log my dreams so I try to remember as best I can.  But, in the dream I was able to locate the source of the evil.  It was outdoors and it was an older lady standing in a field that was demonic.  She was speaking all she could into the atmosphere and to me.  The presence of Satan was heavy.

We all have a fight or flight reponse, which also depends on the circumstance as well.  For example, while someone may fight their way into a burning building to save someone, that same person may flee from a spider that is the size of a dime.

Well, in my dream, I without hesitation approached the woman with the might of Lord and subdued her (the demon) into submission.  While the quick dream ended at that point leaving out the prospect of resulting deliverance, I was absolutley charged up from God showing me an example of the supernatural power I now have.

Seize Opportunities
Spider-man can shoot webs out of his wrists and swing from buildings all he wants.  I have the ability to be used by the Lord to do miraculous things which includes the daily seizing of opportunities prompted by the Holy Spirit, using my power to talk to, pray for, or help someone which could help change their life forever.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12 NIV)

God doesn’t just want us to have a great church of supernatural powers all to ourselves.  He wants the church to remember that it’s not the 4 walls.  It is rather us, the Body, and we need to take our powers that we have been equipped with and go out into the world and be heroes for the people.

Ask Yourself
How have you used your supernatural powers recently to advance the kingdom or subdue the enemy’s tactics?What opportunities are you being prompted about by the Holy Spirit where you just have to give your yes to using your power?

Let Us Pray
Lord, we pray for boldness to use that which we have been equipped with.  This power was not meant to be put in a box and kept hidden away.  It was meant to be used with fervency and fierceness.  Help us avoid temptation that damages the devotion we have made to live in your ways, so that we can step forward in faith and strength….in supernatural power to do your Great Will.  I pray blessings for my brothers and sisters.

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