Key/Access Code Agreement

Key Fob, Hard Key, Access Code Holder Agreement

By filling out this form you (the Holder) agree to the following rules and guidelines as a holder of a King’s Church building entry key or code:

  • Each key/fob/access code (KFAC) assigned will have an agreement on record for that item.
  • The KFAC assigned to the Holder is the sole responsibility of the Holder.
  • The KFAC (access code if written somewhere) should not be left unsecured.  It should always be in the possession of the Holder and not be lent to someone else that is not authorized.
  • The KFAC (access code if written somewhere) should not have markings on it that identifies King’s Church and should not be customized as such.
  • If the Holder no longer has a need for the KFAC due to a role change or leaving King’s Church, the Holder must immediately notify the owner of church security and turn in any keys.
  • Access codes will change when needed. Notifications will be sent to those that have access code permission to become aware of the new access code.
  • For security purposes, access to the church is at the discretion of the church which may change the entry permission of the Holder whenever necessary. This includes either a deactivation & return of the key fob, request to return the key, or an access code change.
  • If the KFAC is lost/misplaced, it is the responsibility of the Holder to immediately contact the church so a new KFAC can be assigned.
  • If a key or fob is lost/misplaced, it will be deactivated upon your notification. A replacement key or fob will require the payment of $20, due before a replacement is issued.
  • If Holder is the last person in the building Holder agrees to best ensure all exits and windows are securely closed. Holder also agrees to turn any lights off that shouldn’t be left on.

Updated: 3/29/2023

Entering your name and email below signifies your agreement and understanding of the above guidelines.

Do you currently have a key fob or access code?

13 + 4 =